2011年4月26日 星期二

Servant or Musician - A study of social status changes in 19th century

Servant or Musician - A study of social status changes in 19th century (Proposal and Outline)

Servant or Musician - A study of social status changes in 19th century
I. Purposes of study 
After the Industrial Revolution, new materials and construction techniques were invented. Some of the new technologies applied upon the modification of musical instruments which cause great changes in music composition and performing. The newer instruments, such as new piano, organ, horn, and string, changed the face of 19th century music. The newer instruments used by the newer generation of composers and players makes the music far much vivid and expressive than ever before, which extending the limitation of music, enabling the listeners to appreciate a wider range of music characters and performing styles. The structure of society changed drastically and dramatically in 19th century. The fall of noble class and the rise of prosperous middle class led the art and music market growing and sparkling. The artist and musician is not just the servant of noble class and/or royal family, they had a booming market, and a social status they never experienced before. The purpose of this study is to find out the social status changes of musician during this specific period of time. The specific objectives are: 1. To determine the major points of why the society changed so rapidly during this period of time. 2. To determine the position of musician prior and in 19th century. 3. To determine and analyze how this issue will impact to the music professionals and changed the face of music market. 

II. Methods of research 
A descriptive study will be carried out by a systematic investigation of various media. The library tools will be essentially employed for the research. The study will be summarized and the findings, conclusions will also be formalized. III. Delimitation of study 1. The study will be limited to the amount of research materials available at the National Taiwan University and through the inter-library loan, and the reachable electronic data upon the Web. 2. The author of this paper has limited language capabilities. Only English, Chinese, and some Deutsche materials will be used. 3. The whole society change in Europe at this specific period of time will not be a part of this study. 4. The time and length limitation of this term-paper will constrain the in-depth research of this study. IV. Preliminary order of presentation I.. Introduction II. The rise of middle class 

III. The social status change of musician
IV. Case study-Felix Mendelssohn(1809-1847)
V. Conclusion

